Replica Gucci Designer Handbags

Why Buy Replica Bags From LUXURYDO?

Top Quality

Our replica bags are produced in the same manner as genuine ones. Logo, zippers, interior lining, and materials, which are of the highest quality.


There are customers from dozens of countries who have bought designer replicas bags from us, most of which gave us a lot of good reviews.

Competitive Price

Replica bags vary widely in product quality, and for replica bags of the same quality, we offer the most competitive prices.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the quality of Luxurydo replica handbags?

We mainly offer two grades of products: 1:1 and AAAA. You can choose based on your needs:
  • 1:1 Grade: Our 1:1 grade replica handbags are crafted from the same materials as the original products, providing a high level of authenticity with almost no discernible differences from the genuine items.
  • AAAA Grade: While our AAAA grade bags use non-original factory materials, they still feature imported leather or high-quality domestic leather. This ensures that their appearance and craftsmanship are nearly indistinguishable from the 1:1 grade.
  • AAA Grade: Made from domestically produced leather, these bags are very affordable. Please note that this grade is not listed on our website. If you are interested in AAA grade products, please contact our customer service.
If you want to learn about the grading of replica products for different brands, you can refer to this link about grade .

Is a real business?

Yes, we take every order seriously to ensure customer satisfaction. We have a high repeat customer rate, with many placing subsequent orders shortly after their first. If you are interested, we can provide recent shipping videos to confirm that we are a real business, not a scam.

What happens if my order is detained by customs or lost?

There are two scenarios regarding customs detention:
  • Routine Inspection: This is not targeted at replica items. Typically, it takes about two weeks to release and ship to you. In this scenario, we will refund your shipping costs and offer a discount on your next purchase.
  • Detention for Replicas: If your items are detained due to being replicas, we will immediately reship a new package and provide a discount voucher as compensation.
  • Lost during shipping: Once the loss of the package is confirmed, we will arrange for a replacement shipment as soon as possible.

How do you handle customs clearance for products?

Except for some European countries where customers may need to handle customs clearance themselves, our carrier takes care of clearance in most countries, requiring no action on your part. We will notify you if self-clearance is necessary.

How long will it take to receive my order after it is placed?

After placing your order, we need 2-3 business days to process it.
Once shipped, delivery to most regions with our standard courier takes approximately 12-15 days. If you choose FedEx (available in select countries and regions), delivery typically takes 7-10 days. The exact delivery time depends on your specific location.
Other situations that may cause delivery delays include:
  • During our pre-shipment inspection, we may discover defects in the bag, requiring us to send it back to the factory for a replacement. This can cause a 2-3 day delay in shipment.
  • If the product is temporarily out of stock, we will need to wait for a restock. In such cases, we will contact you to see if you prefer to wait, exchange the item, or receive a refund.
  • If the product is selected for customs inspection, it may take approximately two weeks to clear. In this case, we will refund your shipping costs and provide a discount on your next order once the package is delivered.
  • Reduced flights due to reasons such as holidays, ongoing severe weather, or other factors can result in a few additional business days for delivery.

Why is my tracking number not updating?

FedEx tracking may take 2-4 days to update after shipment. For standard courier services, the tracking information will only be accurately updated once the package reaches your country and is picked up by your local courier. Please be patient. If you have not received your package within 15 days using standard shipping, please contact us as soon as possible.